Monday, April 4, 2011

73 Are Pioneering In My Hall This Month!

Isn't that a great amount? I was so surprised. Really nice though. It is a country hall which makes it all the more amazing to me with the gas prices up here and all. And we will see if the number goes higher by Thursday's meeting. Should be really interesting.

Went to the coast for Brahm's wedding. It was truly lovely. They had a wedding hall attached to a dining room at a golf course. It was really nice because it was pouring rain outside so once we got inside the country club we didn't have to leave again until later that night. Big fireplace in teh corner and pretty views. Lots of places for pictures inside the building. Wonderful dinner, really nice speeches (REALLY good, thoughtful speeches), and nice dancing after.

Drove home Saturday afternoon. I wanted to fit more into the day and a half I was there but just couldn't. I have been really tired lately. My doctor says I have low iron these days. Been on supplements but I think I need something a little stronger. :-/ That in combo with my work, service, study, meeting schedule, just caught up with me. Same as lots of other people. Just life. But getting home was nice, not only so I could sleep, :-) but because Sunday afternoon's WT study was just excellent. The last couple weeks have been on endurance, which is what we all need to do no matter what. So attending that was worth getting back for.

I will put some pics of the wedding up as soon as my camera is recharged, but I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Love to all,
d :-)

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