Monday, August 12, 2019

Wanted to share this news of growth

Even though something came up and I wasn't able to join the northern Canada team this year I have been so happy to hear the success Jehovah is giving them.  In previous years when the community leaders have heard of our arrival they immediately granted a meeting place for a Sunday meeting.  Everyone on the team worked hard, and Jehovah blessed us with one person in attendance each year from the territory.  This year, HOWEVER he drew EIGHT to the meeting.  That is an 800% increase!  And four more said they would have come!  Even the rv that I have been texting throughout this year went.  I sweated over every text wondering if my wording was right, just hoping that what I could write in a few words would make a difference.  But Jehovah's spirit must have been on her because she and her daughter attended together.  Anyway, now, Jeff, the team leader is looking at the next step.  How to keep these ones spiritually nourished in such a remote, rugged, harsh winter area.  Lots of prayers happening between all of us right now.  Who knows maybe the society will send in a year round couple to nurture the growth.

1. Eldon at his makeshift podium (one guest told him he looked like a Prime Minister because a flag was attached to the wall behind him.  Couldn't remove it.)
2. The brothers who bring their big trucks to get into the territory are so much appreciated.
3. Goodies after the meeting to encourage association.
4. Some of the guests arriving (horse buggy)