Saturday, November 26, 2011

Congregation 50s Party was Fab!

We had such a great time at the congregation 50s party. Everyone, even the littlest kids dressed in their poodle skirts or slicked back hair and jeans. Mary Morey made a ton of poodle skirts for the sisters, and others came up with their own ideas. A couple brothers wore Elvis outfits. Lots of dancing, good food and talking. Mom painted a face cut out of a couple dancing and lots of people stuck their heads through for pictures. Tanya and Tim made an old car for people to sit in for pics. Tim DJ'd music from that era. Also, there was a bubble gum blowing contest, a spot dance, and lots of jiving. So a good time for everyone. For a congregation party, lots of fun. :-)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Never Seen Harvey Do This Before

We got up for our walk at 5:30am. Minus 9. Walked 30 feet outside the gate, and Harvey turned around and ran back to the gate to get in the RV. He is such a walk-lover, but it was just too cold for him (Pearl was in my chest free-loading a ride already). However, tonight was wonderful. It snowed all day, so warmed up a bit, and the walk tonight couldn't be beat. Meeting was cancelled due to snow, and had to do some shoveling, but all in all, a great night.

Hope some of you are enjoying a pretty winter also. :-)

Love to all,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

First Real Snow!

Hey hi everyone!

The first real snow arrived this morning. Harvey, Pearl and I were the first to put our tracks down in the resort at 5:30 this morning. Stars on a clear sky above - absolutely beautiful. Supposed to snow all day tomorrow so will leave a bit earlier for work so I can walk slower. But minus 9 tonight, so I guess winter is here.

Love to all,
d :-)

Friday, November 4, 2011

This Is The Best Thing About Having A Yard

Even living in a RV it is nice to have a yard. Here at the resort, everyone has their own private little yard, that they can fence in or not. Ours is quite private, and I just love it that Harvey and Pearl can play outside (dad put a doggy door in the side of the RV). Tonight when I was sweeping the two took off playing. :-) Since the clip wouldn't upload direct, click here to see it: Harvey and Pearl playing :-)